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Driving Habits That Can Save You Fuel

Driving Habits That Can Save You Fuel
Car care

Fuel expenses are one of the recurring costs involved in the use of a car. Under inflationary conditions, fuel costs increase, and it is only by adopting safe driving techniques that costs can be reduced. 


Here are some driving tips to save fuel:


  1. Smooth Driving: Maintain a consistent speed while driving smoothly. Avoid sudden acceleration and abrupt braking. Rapid acceleration followed by a firm push on the brake pedal may increase fuel consumption.  On the highway, maintaining a constant speed and mild braking might save you up to 30% on gas. It has the potential to save up to 40% in high traffic.


  1. Optimal Speed: Although the majority of the vehicles are capable of reaching speeds of 200 kilometers per hour or higher, the amount of fuel that is consumed significantly increases when the speed is increased beyond the optimal limits. For most cars, 80 km may be the level at which peak efficiency in fuel consumption is attained. Fuel consumption increases at lower speeds. Riding the car at the highest possible gear can help save fuel costs. Avoid driving for too long in low gear.


  1. Avoid Excessive Idling: It is better to turn off the engine when the vehicle needs to stop for more than a few minutes. Excessive idling can increase fuel consumption. 


Here’s how you do it safely: 

  1. When the Car Is Stopped: To save fuel, turn off the engine when completely stopped, such as in traffic or at a red light. Many current autos do this automatically using a stop-start function.
  2. When the Car is Moving Slowly: Turning off the engine while driving at a slow speed can disconnect essential components like power steering and brakes, posing a safety risk.So, only turn off the engine after the vehicle has completely stopped in a safe location. Do not do this when driving or rolling gently.
  3. Anticipate Traffic: To save money on gas, avoid heavy traffic whenever is possible. Installing a GPS may allow you to anticipate traffic and receive recommendations on alternate routes.
  4. Plan Your Trip: Combine your needs for shopping, visiting friends, and doing errands for the day. This reduces the need for multiple trips and saves on fuel costs.
  5. Tyre Pressure: To save fuel, keep your tyre pressure at the manufacturer’s recommended level. Both underinflated or overinflated tyres may lead to high fuel consumption.
  6. Optimize AC Use: Using air conditioning puts more strain on the engine, resulting in higher fuel consumption. Adjust AC use depending on temperature and weather.
  7. Avoid Overloading: Do not overfill the automobile with merchandise or supplies. Each vehicle was designed to accommodate a specified number of passengers and luggage in its trunk. Load materials onto the roof or trunk only to the extent permitted.
  8. Ride Sharing: Travel with friends who may be attending the same event or working there. This may significantly reduce fuel consumption.
  9. Aerodynamics: Keep the windows up on highways to reduce drag on the vehicle. Poor aerodynamics can lead to increased fuel consumption.

Proper car maintenance, including regular servicing, can lead to fuel savings. Get your car service and car repair in Dubai at Carcility. Maintain regular car servicing appointments. Book an appointment at to get pick-up and drop-off services.