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Rear View – A Carcility blog

When to Replace Your Car Battery? 6 Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

When to Replace Your Car Battery 6 Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore
Car maintenance

The car battery powers the electrical system of the vehicle. It is necessary for starting the engine and for the working of electronic components.

Here are six warning signs you must not ignore, which may indicate a problem with your battery.


  1. Slow Engine Crank: If you face difficulty in starting the engine and have to repeatedly crank, it is indicative of battery failure.
  2. Frequent Jump Starts: If the battery turns weak and requires frequent jump-starting, the battery is unable to hold charge. Jumpstarting the battery frequently also causes damage to it.
  3. Dim Lights: If the headlights are not glowing brightly and start flickering, it is indicative of a weak battery. The power is not sufficient for the electrical system to function at its full potential.
  4. Electrical Issues: If the stereo, horn, and power windows are not functioning properly, it may be a sign of battery failure. New generation vehicles have more electrical and electronic systems, which require more battery power. Damage to cables and wires can also cause problems with the functioning of electronic and electrical accessories.
  5. Corrosion of Battery Terminals: If there is a white, ashy substance seen around the battery terminals, it may be due to leakage in the battery. This affects the output voltage of the battery, thus reducing the efficiency of the car. A thin coat of petroleum jelly is applied to the terminals to prevent corrosion.  Cleaning of the battery tray also helps clear debris and rust that can corrode the terminals.
  6. Battery Age: Every battery has a life span. It usually lasts up to two years. Older batteries can’t be serviced and need replacement.  If the dashboard battery indicator lights up, it is a sure sign of battery failure. In such cases, the battery replacement is the only solution.

Battery issues may crop up due to improper battery mounting in the tray. It may cause vibration, leaks, and internal damage.  For more such information, you may also read Carcility’s blog on How to Protect the Life of Your Car Battery


Ramadan Offers

Carcility has the following offers for Battery:

  • 30% off on Jump Start
  • 30% off on Service Charge
  • 30% off on Battery Boost
  • 15% off on Battery Replacement


Carcility is a leading car service and car repair center in Dubai that offers specialized car services such as battery service, including car battery replacement.